The Joy of Music – #HRMixTape2019

Music adds so much to our lives. For me, it consumes the bulk of my day – every day.  So, when Steven Browne called out fellow HR Bloggers and the #HRTribe to share our version of #HRMixTape2019, I couldn’t resit. High Five’s all around to Mark Hendy for creating this challenge! I have thoroughly enjoyed walking down memory lane by reading many of the other versions.

Being a child of the ’80s, I still have a box full of my own mixed tapes…and a walkman. I actually pulled out a few of them before sitting down to write this. Even back then mixed tapes were often made with a theme in mind. I have tapes that were my go to when I was sad, when I was in love, and many that were all about the hair metal…..yes, I was THAT girl. But enough about back then. Today, as your official #JoyFacilitator, here’s my version of joy as it relates to #HR.

1. You’re The Inspiration – Chicago – We all need a little inspiration no matter what our jobs are. In the world of HR, I tend to find my inspiration in many different places; often when I least expect it. Over the past year, most of my inspiration definitely came from the connections I made once I discovered the #HRTribe on Twitter. Building those relationships and meeting some of these people in real life has helped me get through a few stressful situations. But most of all, they continue to encourage me to take the next steps towards accomplishing my professional goals. Everyone needs a tribe!

2. Don’t Worry, Be Happy – Bobby McFerin – I am the JOY FACILITATOR, and I look for ways to be happy! Our jobs in HR can be stressful , and sometimes it seems like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. When this happens, we can choose to let things frustrate us, or we can take it all in stride. At the end of it all, we can also choose to look for the things that make us happy. If you really look for them, they are there.

3. Going The Distance – Cake – Everyday in HR, we are challenged with overcoming some form of adversity. Whether dealing with senior managers who view HR only as a stumbling block, organizations that don’t see the value in accountability, or trying to get front-line managers to treat their employees with the respect they deserve; there may be days when you just want to throw your hands up and say “Enough!”. But that’s why we are in HR, right? Because endurance is one of our strengths. Because at the end of the day, we know if we go the distance, we CAN make a difference.

4. Roll The Bones – Rush – Why? I’m sure my good friend, Jon Thurmond would agree with me when I say – Simply because every Mixed Tape deserves a good Rush song. Plus, you should never pass up the opportunity to hear Geddy Lee rap. But keeping it in the context of HR; it’s all about the people.  Dealing with people is almost always like a roll of the dice. “It’s action, reaction; Random interaction; So who’s afraid of a little abstraction? Can’t get no satisfaction”

5. Tubthumping – Chumbawamba – Let’s face it, doing what we do everyday can be hard. We walk a thin line between looking out for the interests of the organization, and being a resource for the company’s most valuable asset…it’s people. When these two don’t see eye-to-eye, we are often caught in the middle. We get knocked down; again, again, and again.

6. I Won’t Back Down – Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers – With all that is happening in the world of work today, HR has a prime opportunity to lead the charge for change. This will not be an easy road to travel, but it is an important one. Will you stand firm, or will you back down?

7. Rise Up – Andra Day – the lyrics in this song inspire me; and Oh. My. Goodness. – I love her voice! Those who are close to me know I tend to be very passionate about the things that mean the most to me. My faith and family foremost; but after that, I am also very passionate about the work I do in HR. I truly believe in people. What we do everyday is a choice, we can roll with the punches and eventually just give in… or, we can rise up and make a difference.

8. We Could Be Heroes – Alesso – Again, we CAN make a difference. Who knows what we can accomplish, who we will likely touch on any given day? “Everyday people do everyday things, but I can’t be one of them… we are a different kind. We can do anything.” In HR – we are a different kind; and I, for one, am proud of this fact.

Well, there you have it; my #HRMixedTape2019. I hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Hello 2019!

Here it is. I’m actually writing my first blog post. As I sit here doing it, I have to admit I am a little more than nervous.

I’ve spent the last couple of days reading many of my friend’s blog posts as they reflect and post their “2018 Year in Review”. As I read, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own list of goals made last January and mentally started to “check off” things I completed. I’m happy to share that for the most part, I accomplished the main things I set out to.

  • Within the next 8 days, I will have read the Bible completely through in one year
  • I completed my MSHRM and graduated in May
  • I continued reaching out to secure speaking opportunities (but not as much as I would have liked)
  • I stepped out into the teaching arena by accepting a position to teach an online SHRM Certification Course for a major University (the second class starts in just a few weeks!)
  • I met my fitness goals and lost 50 lbs
  • I stepped up my Twitter game and met lots of new HR friends through the Twitterverse and even met some of them IRL at SHRM18

And then there was this one thing that I did NOT do… start a blog. I know; I’m late to the party as blogging has been around for many years. But hey – better late than never right?!


My biggest hesitation has been that I really wanted to find that ONE perfect thing I could center my blog around. I knew I wanted it to focus on HR; but ask any HR Professional and they will quickly tell you how broad Human Resources is. I mean it IS all about the people… humans… which we all know can be quite difficult to describe at times. I thought that not honing in one specific area in the field just would not be acceptable. I’ve decided, though, that I can simply write about what brings me joy. Joy Facilitator1

My team in the Corporate world has unofficially dubbed me “The Joy Facilitator”, and I gladly accept that title! People bring me joy; especially when I can help them grow and be successful. So I’ve decided that will be the focus of my blog…the JOY of HR. Won’t you come join me on the HR JoyRide?

Join the Joyride1